Copyright Heart to Heart Experiences 2024

COVID-19 has prevented our team from traveling from the United States to Guatemala the past two years, but even in our absence, we have continued to help transform human lives & communities in Guatemala by providing basic needs to those afflicted by the cycle of poverty

Construction: A Solid Foundation

Why build homes? We believe that if we build one home at a time, neighborhoods improve and completely transform. Through this transformation, families achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life.

Nourish a Child’s Heart and Mind

Why support children? Thousands of children in Central America live in extreme poverty. Some children have lost one or both parents to AIDS-related illnesses. Some children work to support their families. We believe children in these situations can reach their potential if they are given shelter, clothing, food, education, and medical support. Every child deserves a future.

Improve Health & Long Term Well-Being

Why provide medical outreach?  Low income communities have limited to no access to health services.  We believe children, families, and underserved communities should have access to dentists, nurses, and doctors.  We also believe that training professionals in the community to continue providing excellent health care and education is a must.

We welcome all to participate in Heart to Heart Experiences, Inc.

JAN 2023
H2H Experience

Antigua, Guatemala

A Typical Service Trip Includes:

• Building single room homes to replace the cramped tin sheet shanties our family members currently live in

• Vacation bible school

• Medical outreach to the community

• Teacher certification

• Outreach to school children

H2H participants are not required to have any prior building experience. You will learn on-site. With an open heart and positive attitude, you will be amazed at what our team can learn from the people we serve and each other!

Learn More – contact us at

Dates: January 7-14, 2020

Location: Central America — Antigua, Guatemala

Participants: College Students & Adults

Each trip includes transportation to/from Chicago-O’Hare airport, airfare, travel insurance, baggage fees, translators, room, board, and supplies while on location in Central America.

Not included in the cost are immunizations and personal spending money.

A $500 deposit is due at time of sign-up. All trip fees are non-refundable.

Space on each service trip is limited. Contact H2H to check availability and to learn more about the trip.


Continue to get inspired and learn more about our 2020 events by clicking the links to the right.

Give a Little Help a Lot

H2H Thank You

Information & Donation Card

Be the Change - Homes

Be the Change - Nuns

Be the Change - Medical

Be the Change - Kids

Be the Change - Homes 2

Share your heart by helping to sponsor a home for our families in Antigua, Guatemala.

Your donation will help us purchase concrete blocks and other materials needed to build a one room house that is 13’ X 19’ – includes one door, one window, painted walls interior/exterior, and optional sky light.

Give the gift of a home by making a donation today!

Photos and family biographies coming in December 2022

The names and the faces may change, but the need for love, food, education, medicine, and housing remain the same in Central America.